amqplib backend for carrot.
amqplib backend
Parameters: |
A carrot.connection.BrokerConnection instance. An established connection to the broker.
A message received by the broker.
Usually you don’t insantiate message objects yourself, but receive them using a carrot.messaging.Consumer.
Parameters: |
The message body.
The message delivery tag, uniquely identifying this message.
The message backend used. A subclass of carrot.backends.base.BaseBackend.
A amqplib.client_0_8.basic_message.Message instance. This is a private attribute and should not be accessed by production code.
Acknowledge a message by delivery tag.
Cancel a channel by consumer tag.
If no channel exists, a new one is requested.
Close the channel if open.
Close the AMQP broker connection.
Returns an iterator that waits for one message at a time.
Declare a consumer.
Establish connection to the AMQP broker.
Declare an named exchange.
Enable/disable flow from peer.
Receive a message from a declared queue by name.
Returns: | A Message object if a message was received, None otherwise. If None was returned, it probably means there was no messages waiting on the queue. |
Convert encoded message body back to a Python value.
Encapsulate data into a AMQP message.
Publish a message to a named exchange.
Request specific Quality of Service.
Bind queue to an exchange using a routing key.
Declare a named queue.
Delete queue by name.
Check if a queue has been declared.
Rtype bool: |
Discard all messages in the queue. This will delete the messages and results in an empty queue.
Reject a message by deliver tag.
Reject and requeue a message by delivery tag.
A message received by the broker.
Usually you don’t insantiate message objects yourself, but receive them using a carrot.messaging.Consumer.
Parameters: |
The message body.
The message delivery tag, uniquely identifying this message.
The message backend used. A subclass of carrot.backends.base.BaseBackend.
A amqplib.client_0_8.basic_message.Message instance. This is a private attribute and should not be accessed by production code.
A queue with that name already exists, so a recently changed routing_key or other settings might be ignored unless you rename the queue or restart the broker.