Version: | 0.1.0 |
The timer2 module lets you schedule Python functions at specific times, or at an interval. It can be used as a replacement to threading.Timer, the difference is that timer2 is always only using a single thread (unless you manually start more of them)
You should never use this to apply expensive operations, as this would not be effective when running in a single thread, rather you should make the timer move the operations to a execution pool (like a thread/multiprocessing pool, or maybe sending a message):
>>> pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
>>> timer2.apply_after(10000, pool.apply_async, (expensive_fun, ))
Timer is using Sphinx, and the latest documentation is available at GitHub:
You can install timer2 either via the Python Package Index (PyPI) or from source.
To install using pip,:
$ pip install timer2
To install using easy_install,:
$ easy_install timer2
If you have downloaded a source tarball you can install it by doing the following,:
$ python build
# python install # as root
Apply function after n msecs:
>>> import timer2
>>> timer2.apply_after(msecs, fun, args, kwargs, priority=0)
Apply function every n msecs:
>>> timer2.apply_interval(msecs, fun, args, kwargs, priority=0)
Apply function at a specific date (a datetime object):
>>> timer2.apply_at(datetime, fun, args, kwargs, priority=0)
The apply_* functions returns a timer2.Entry instance, you can use this to cancel the execution:
>>> tref = timer2.apply_after(msecs, fun, args, kwargs)
>>> tref.cancel()
When using the module interface a default timer thread is started as soon as you schedule something. If you want to keep track of the thread manually, you can use the timer2.Timer class:
>>> timer = timer2.Timer()
>>> timer.apply_after(msecs, fun, args, kwargs)
>>> timer.stop() # stops the thread and joins it.
If you have any suggestions, bug reports or annoyances please report them to our issue tracker at
Development of timer2 happens at Github:
You are highly encouraged to participate in the development. If you don’t like Github (for some reason) you’re welcome to send regular patches.
This software is licensed under the New BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the top distribution directory for the full license text.